Google Analytics v. Marketing Analytics

Visual Compass Uncategorized

We’ve all heard of google analytics and most likely have it installed on our websites the reason being because it’s free. Google Analytics is a web analytics solution that anyone with a website can use but what most don’t know is that there is another way to measure the data on your site and that is with Marketing analytics.

Google Analytics is a great tool that allows us to measure traffic, bounce rates, unique visitors, time spent on site, page views per visit, etc. It does this by regarding the page view as the unit of focus as it generates your report. If you are launching advertising campaigns and would like to measure the traffic changes in conjunction to that campaign, google analytics can do that. It is a very useful research tool however, google analytics is just not enough.

Marketing analytics merges data from your website with other sources like your Facebook page, or even email blasts. Like Google Analytics, Marketing Analytics can measure traffic and point to which campaigns generated the most leads, but it takes that information a step further by using the person, instead of the page views, as the main focus.

If you are marketing a website, Marketing Analytics should be much more helpful then sticking to Google Analytics alone. Unlike Google Analytics, Marketing Analytics can provide information such as what first attracted web browsers, which exact marketing initiative draws in the most sales, how many people clicked on your email, and how many buyers came from your social media efforts.

All in all, analytics offer businesses great insight on how site viewers interact with their websites. Google Analytics is a great starting point with its analysis using page views but your online website should take it up a notch and use marketing analytics, analyzing your website through the people.